Working Dog Website

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Dogmania Mania

The combination of youth. experience and talent is embodied by this team whose members seem to have it all. With almost as many years in the dog game as they have been able to walk, these guys and gals, have achieved great heights. They are helpers : Sven Viebahn, Björn Reckmann and Handlers : Daniela and Carina Wagner. Just last year Carina was Deutsche Juniorenmeisterin for the second time, and also in the BSP with Isy Del Lupo Nero who was Vice-Universal Siegerin. Björn Reckmann just got selected as a helper for the WUSV qualification in Ungarn. The list of the teams achievements goes on and on with sister Daniela Wagner active in Dogsport since age 9 ! Check out this clip from the upcoming DVD, as Sven introduces the team.


  1. Love the heel work with Polly!

  2. Carina and the rest of the team do really good work. Look up Isy Del Lupo Nero, this is the dog Carina went to the BSP and young sieger competition. She was also in the Sieger show and came second to Javir Talka Marda for Vice-Universal Sieger. The heel work is really nice on many of the dogs they train. Soon to come is Elke's Interview- She is the breeder of Polly, Knox, and isy! Del Lupo Nero.....
