Working Dog Website

Friday, January 22, 2010

Looking ahead to What's Next !

Success comes to the well prepared and well positioned. The trial is over and the fan-fare dust has settled. Now Akira and I look toward the coming months.

I am still working feverishly on finishing some chapters and will visit Europe for some more Interviews of kennels and Breeders in the next couple months.

But the big news is the collaboration between Bernhard Flinks and myself for a Law Enforcement Program that would not only sharpen K9 skills, but also make k9 handlers safer in the times of ambush and life threatening danger. The seminar is carded for early March and I know many people locally will appreciate this information. For me, it would be a chance to help Akira sharpen up on her skills necessary for Schutzhund 2. I will try to put some videos of our training with Bernhard Flinks up for your viewing.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Akira 1st at the Schutzhund Trial in Trinidad

The 1st Schutzhund 1 Dog to achieve the title, locally in Trinidad and Tobago. Akira vom Försterhaus got the High in Obedience and Protection and although I made most of the mistakes as a handler, she managed to forgive my inexperience and we made a great team. Judge Mike West from the German Shepherd Dog Clubs of America commended us on our excellent free-heeling, retrieves over the hurdle and A-Frame and sit and down in motion. Akira's energy and drive caused her to bump me a bit on the recall and a slow send away costed us some points. In protection she missed the blind and had some control issues, but still scored 90 points- with a nice hold in the blind, escape attack and long attack!
We look forward to our next trial locally when we can look towards her Schutzhund 2 Title.
We will soon be featured on the cover of K9 Sport Club Magazine for this historic achievement.
Check out our Youtube videos of the trial :

Obedience Pt 2

And the Protection- (Sorry - the video was a bit dark)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Schutzhund Trial brings 'em together in T&T- US Judge and Belgium Decoys

The First Schutzhund Trial for the year in Trinidad and Tobago has brought Decoys from all over the country to do the Certification Program under Mike West - Teaching Helper (GSDCA-WDA) from the U.S.A. accompanied by his lovely wife Lucy. A total of 6 Decoys were certified as at the Club Trial Level and I was fortunate to take part.

From Belgium we had two A- class level Helpers Patrick Vandewaetere & Dirk Dendas. And also Pascal Verstappen a certified Track Layer- All part of .Team Van Arne's Hoeve
The trial is organised by the Marc Chin Aleong with support from the German Shepherd Breed Club of T&T.

In the competition line up will have Marc with his dog Quenny, Frederick Garbo with .Xito vom Conneforde - Our competitor from WUSV 2009, and I will be going for Sch 1 with .Akira vom Försterhaus